The game is developed by CuizGameDesign, a Danish startup that is passionate about combining sustainability with card games.
CuizGameDesign was founded by two students as part of their studies at Copenhagen Business School: Matteo Ferrari, and Junyi Cai. The team works in collaboration with Ignacio Reyes who is an actual climate scientist! They took the challenge to get more people to understand the complex topics of sustainability. By designing and testing different approaches, they concluded that a game with a very low barrier of entry into discussing sustainability would be needed. So they ended up with Probably.
Probably is a card game designed to stimulate critical thinking about sustainability topics. Cards have a mixture of quizzes that give you points for answering correctly and questions that lead to open discussion. Some of the cards have a QR code that opens articles with more details on the topics in question.
The team went through a process of prototyping and testing together with their friends and other students. Now they have a game that makes it easy to get people at parties to play and talk about sustainability topics. So they put up a Kickstarter which was successful and provided the funds needed to start producing the game.
The development team is taking sustainability seriously and they are looking for the most sustainable way to produce the game, by researching various manufacturers in Denmark and Germany.
Maybe you should keep an eye on their progress and buy the game when it becomes available:
Author by: Nicolae Mariuta, Journalist, Danish Startup Group (DSG)